Monday, September 30, 2013

Natural Diet Tips That Could Help Eliminate PCOS

Are you someone who has PCOS? Ovarian cysts is the common disorder that mainly affects women, and in order to eliminate the possibilities of getting it you must start eating healthy foods. Symptoms of ovarian cysts would include heavy periods, irregular cycles, nausea and vomiting, acne and skin rashes and still many more. Probably, many treatments are presented to relieve the pain that the patient will feel like aspirin, heat pads, or surgery and other medications. However, these kind of treatments are not always the best option. Now, you may ask what then is the best option? Having a natural diet treatment can also be a great way to treat ovarian cysts.

Here are some tips that could just help you eliminate your problem with ovarian cysts.

Tip # 1. Lemon water should be taken in. A lemon water is just a perfect way to eliminate inflammation and regain healing in the body. This also helps you hydrated and keeps your skin clear. Drinking a cup of hot lemon water after you wake up is a good start, just make sure that you will drink at least 2-3 cups a day.

Tip # 2: Eliminate foods and products that are rich in carbohydrates. When you take in too much carbohydrates, then most probably your blood sugar will increase and greater chances that your insulin levels will be out of balance. Aside form an imbalanced blood sugar and insulin, you will also have an imbalanced hormones. You might immediately avoid refined sugar, white rice, white bread, and pasta which are rich in carbohydrates.

Tip # 3: Whole grains should be eaten instead. Complex carbohydrates is what whole grains are made of, so only slower rise in your blood sugar happens. You will also keep you hormones and insulin levels in balance. Examples of whole grain products are beans, nuts, brown rice, and whole-grain bread.

Tip # 4: Eat vegetables. Vegetables are rich in healthy nutrients that our body needs. However, we have to be careful in choosing vegetables because some are rich in carbohydrates. So be careful in eating vegetables that are high in carbohydrates because it might cause quick increase in your blood sugar. Potatoes and winter squash are few examples of vegetables that are high in carbohydrates. On the other hand, low in carbohydrates vegetables include spinach, cucumbers, cabbage, and salads.

Tip # 5: Eat plenty of protein and have ovarian cyst miracle. Protein is a substance that helps control absorption of carbohydrates and helps balance your blood sugar at the same time. Also, combine foods that are high-protein and a little carbohydrates in your meal to control the sudden rise of blood sugar. There are a lot of foods that are rich in protein like chicken and eggs, fish, lean beef, and soy.

To learn more about treatment options, see the ovarian cyst miracle book.
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