Monday, September 30, 2013

Ovarian Cysts and the Things You Need to Know

There are many people that have confused the cysts with abscesses but they are closed sacs and may have fluids, a semi-solid material or air. The term is not a cyst but abscess when there is a collection of pus. When the problem is a cyst, this has to be removed through surgery especially when it doesn't go on its own.

The ovarian cysts are cysts that have developed in the women's ovaries. The sacs are filled with fluid and they are generally harmless but can cause different problems such as pain, bleeding and the surgery may need to be done in order to remove them. It is quite important for women to know the functions of the ovaries and how the ovarian cysts are formed.

A woman has two ovaries and they are responsible for storing and releasing eggs in each side of the of the uterus. Each month, the ovary produces one egg and this is responsible for the monthly menstrual cycle. In the lining of the ovaries, the cysts may develop and they may not need treatment and others should be removed through a surgical intervention. When you look at an ultrasound image of the ovaries with cysts, then they would appear like bubbles and they contain fluid and this is known as the function or the simple cyst.

Ovarian cysts can affect women coming from different ages and there are many of them that form functional cysts. They are often benign and won't require ovarian cyst miracle treatment for them to disappear. They are also not cancerous and are normal and they are not classified under any disease. Usually, the ovarian cysts develop during the childbearing years of the women. The ovarian cysts vary.

The follicular cyst is a type of simple cyst and this is often formed during ovulation and may be very painful and the patient can feel it on the side where the affected ovary is. During the menstrual period and ovulation there is sharp pain. Around 25 percent of women battle with pain with this kind of ovarian cyst but there are not symptoms and they disappear without treatment.

If there is bleeding in the cyst, then this is known as the hemorrhagic cyst. It can also happen that a symptom such as abdominal pain can exist with it. The dermoid cyst is also called the mature cyst teratoma and is actually a benign tumor. Developing this type of cyst is not normal and this can affect younger women. In the ultrasound image, the cyst may have varied appearance but the MRI as well as the CT scan show fat and also dense calcifications. With this ovarian cyst, there can be information and may result to ovarian torsion and can affect the blood supply and case severe abdominal pain.

For more tips in this area, you can see the ovarian cyst miracle book.
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